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Every prisoner fantasizes about escape, but few attempt it. The second documentary-drama series of BREAKOUT brings eight more action-packed stories of criminals who bust out of some of the most secure prisons in the world. In the face of seemingly impossible obstacles, the prisoners’ ingenuity and sheer audaciousness is awe-inspiring. So too the skilled detective work of the la...


姓名: Michael Scofield 囚犯编号: 94941 关押地点: 常规区, A翼, Cell 40 罪名: 武装抢劫银行 判决: 5年 释放剩余期: 5年 减(缓)刑后: 2年6个月 注释:Michael Scofield的教育背景会让人奇怪为什么他要犯下那样的罪行。在Mortan高中完美表现,他以优异的成绩毕业于芝加哥的Loyola大学,取得了土木学士和土木硕士的学位。 Scofield被捕时,他受雇于芝加哥Middleton Maxwell Schaum一家很有名气的公司,他是一名结构公程师。 犯人Michael Scofield,没有前科,被定罪为持枪抢劫,企图抢劫国立储蓄银

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